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Home Gardening Inspiration & Education


How to Plant Strawberries in Kentucky

Strawberry plants are in! It’s time to get your garden soil prepared and plants in place.
Go ahead and work in your winter cover crop (green manure) to be sure it’s broken down properly prior to planting. If you are starting with bare soil, go ahead and cultivate to remove any weeds or emerging weeds from the space. Don’t pre-fertilize the soil for strawberries. If you find that your soil isn’t providing your strawberry plants adequate fertilizer after planting (plants aren't dark green), it’s best to side dress with cottonseed meal 4-6 weeks after planting. 
If you receive bear root plants prior to your planting date keep them refrigerated in plastic. If you receive them and are ready to plant, keep the roots wet by placing them in a water bucket prior to planting.
Once soil is ready to plant (not soaking wet or dusty dry) lay the plants out 1-2 ft apart. Use a trowel or to move the soil part to make adequate space for...
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Best Father's Day Recipes: Eating with the Seasons!

Happy Father's Day! 

Going into the weekend I wanted to share some of my favorite cookout recipes with you all! These are recipes we not only love but are also based around seasonal produce so that you can make them using ingredients right from your garden! There is nothing more satisfying than homegrown homemade meals and trust me these recipes are tried and true, easy to follow, by wonderfully talented cooks and bakers!

Click on the images below to be sent right to the recipes!

1. Strawberry BBQ sauce to step up your grilling game but lets be honest I could eat it with anything! My kids and I just harvested about 5 pounds of strawberries from my two 4x4 beds just last weekend; so I am looking to put them in everything! This recipe was definitely a win in our house!
2. Use your cabbage, onions, and carrots in this great coleslaw. This is a cookout staple and often an after thought but this recipe is a stand out every time I make it!
3. Finish...
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Strawberries for Mom!


I have had strawberry beds in my backyard for three years now and every year my children love to help me care for them. The strawberry beds are by far their favorite part of the garden and I cherish the evenings I get to go with them and watch them explore and learn. This year Magnolia learned that strawberry leaves, though not the most pleasant, are edible! I created this garden to help my family live healthier lives and that doesn’t just mean eating, it means that my kids get to grow with the plants in my garden. 

I have two beds full of everbearing seascape strawberry plants. These plants will produce all through the season, from about May to October, and are by far one of the easiest fruits to grow! They do need full sun meaning a minimum of 6 hours of sun, but so do I! These two beds practically guarantee that my girls are out in the garden picking strawberries all spring and summer getting vitamin D from the sun and vitamin c and antioxidants from the berries. ...

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Winter Strawberry Care

If you and your kids love strawberries as much as mine do, now is the time in Kentucky to prepare your strawberry plants for the winter ahead.
It's best to wait until you've had 3 frosts, or one freeze before renovations begin.  Renovation just means you are maintaining your strawberry beds and plants to maximize productivity year after year.
For June Bearing Strawberries -
For FIRST YEAR plants you'll want to cover them with straw in late fall - usually late November to mid December. Cover them fully to provide protection from extreme cold. This will act as insulation to help moderate the plants temperature.
For established strawberry plants, you would have mowed or clipped the plants back in summer after they quit producing berries, careful not to damage the crowns.  Then cover them with straw mulch in the fall as well.
For Everbearing or Day Neutral Strawberries -
These are typically classified as annuals and don't need...
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