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Winter Strawberry Care

If you and your kids love strawberries as much as mine do, now is the time in Kentucky to prepare your strawberry plants for the winter ahead.
It's best to wait until you've had 3 frosts, or one freeze before renovations begin.  Renovation just means you are maintaining your strawberry beds and plants to maximize productivity year after year.
For June Bearing Strawberries -
For FIRST YEAR plants you'll want to cover them with straw in late fall - usually late November to mid December. Cover them fully to provide protection from extreme cold. This will act as insulation to help moderate the plants temperature.
For established strawberry plants, you would have mowed or clipped the plants back in summer after they quit producing berries, careful not to damage the crowns.  Then cover them with straw mulch in the fall as well.
For Everbearing or Day Neutral Strawberries -
These are typically classified as annuals and don't need renovation as their size and quality diminish tremendously each year. They can be removed after a frost, and replanted every spring.
If you want to give them a shot, cover with straw to overwinter as you would the June Bearers.
I'm going to give mine a shot this year to see what they do in Spring!  Can't wait!

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