Tiny tips on taters: Buy seed potatoes from a local nursery May cut into 3-4 pieces but be sure there is an eye on each piece plant eye side up Plant 1 potato piece per square foot Plant 2-3 inches below the soil
Don't have deep soil? Plant in a pot OR on the ground underneath 2" of straw.
How to know when they are ready to harvest?
When the plants flower, the tubers are developed. If you harvest now, the skins will be soft so you must eat them right away.
When the plants "die back" and turn brown, the potato has cured underground and will store better. Harvest!
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Thank goodness we don't live in times where women were labeled witches for their worship and wonder of the natural world. It is our intuition toward togetherness, spiritual grounding, and gathering food that attracts us to each other. We are bound by our instincts to do this work.
Most of us are out of practice with our innate ability to grow food and herbs. Our skills have gone uncultivated and unsharpened for too long. Our desire has been distracted. We have lost touch with familial survival wisdom. The art, craft, and science of horticulture has slipped through our hands, most literally.
Growing food is intuitive - with a bit of nurturing.
Let me ask you this? Is it a little witchy to wanna grow gardens with a group of like-minded women? Women who want to nurture plants and eat real food? Those who want to connect with each other face to face,...
Ahhhhh! Tired of feeling confused by the endless information on the interwebs? The overwhelm is real. I felt the same way until I linked arms with my horticultural mentor and things starting making sense. He had local knowledge on growing all things edible in the Louisville, Ky area... Zone 6b.
So sit back, look no further, and take me into your garden this season. Hi! I'm Marlena Wolf - mom, entrepreneur, and edible gardening coach. My mission is to inspire, educate, and empower you to garden with success and retention in our area! (Click here for online course info + upcoming gardening club).
Let's get down to it. The birds are chirping, the days are warming up, and things are turning green. So what now? There are a few moving parts to focus on.
One - Garden area prep. Locate the space with the maximum amount of sunlight and water accessibility. Measure it - keep it...
*After* your seeds germinate be sure they stay moist, and *either* get 8 hours of *direct* sun OR 18 hrs of artificial light so they don’t get LEGGY!! Getting leggy or spindly means they are growing too quickly while searching for light. When this occurs, the stem becomes too weak to support the foliage and it falls over. The goal is to grow sturdy & strong seedlings, not thin and lanky.
Ps- they also gain strength with air flow from a gentle fan!
What has your experience been?
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Have fun today, friends, & if you have a horn, blow it!
In my years of veggie growing, I've been featured in various publications, by colleges, and in conferences for my horticultural knowledge and businesses.
Recognized as a local celeb due to my 30x30 portrait that hung in a local restaurant for 10 years, I'm happy to have come this far. I'm saying all that, to say this - Follow your heart, know your strengths, and share them with the world.
My 10 year journey as an entrepreneur and garden guru came with many difficulties and heartaches. Many fails and many successes. The important thing is that I kept going. Kept learning. Kept pushing.
The point is, to chase your calling and keep nurturing it. I have found mine with YOU. Educating and empowering you to grow a garden with confidence, guidance, and support lights me up inside.
I live for it. A passion, a good cause, a healthy...
Hi there!
My name is Marlena Wolf. I am the founder and CEO of Guidance for Growers Consulting, LLC. And gardening did not come natural to me!
I never had a garden growing up so learning how to grow fruits, veggies, and herbs took me some time. Like years. I fled corporate America as a young woman due to reoccurring health issues, and took an apprenticeship on an organic vegetable farm.
I know, I'm extreme. After the first month, I feared I had made the worst decision of my life! I jumped out on faith & conviction that I could improve my health, if only I could change the food system. Well that was enough. I feel in love with horticulture and never looked back.
Two years later, I started Girl Next Door Farm at age 28. We were on a 22 acre farm just outside of Louisville, Kentucky. It was my very first entrepreneurial endeavor and I LOVED it. And hey, growing edible plants is fun, fascinating, and...
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