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Christmas Specials for YOU

gardening inspiration Dec 22, 2020

Have fun today, friends, & if you have a horn, blow it! 

In my years of veggie growing, I've been featured in various publications, by colleges, and in conferences for my horticultural knowledge and businesses.   

Recognized as a local celeb due to my 30x30 portrait that hung in a local restaurant for 10 years, I'm happy to have come this far.  I'm saying all that, to say this - Follow your heart, know your strengths, and share them with the world. 

My 10 year journey as an entrepreneur and garden guru came with many difficulties and heartaches.  Many fails and many successes.  The important thing is that I kept going.  Kept learning.  Kept pushing.

The point is, to chase your calling and keep nurturing it.  I have found mine with YOU.  Educating and empowering you to grow a garden with confidence, guidance, and support lights me up inside.

I live for it.  A passion, a good cause, a healthy lifestyle choice... whatever growing a gorgeous edible garden means to you, I can help. 

What matters most to you?

Click HERE to see our Christmas Specials!!


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