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Home Gardening Inspiration & Education


The first rule in raised bed gardens

Louisville friends! Do you want high-end raised bed gardens that can’t be found in stores? Use rough sawn eastern red cedar lumber in your designs!!
The sweet smell of cedar and its soft pinks & purples, reminds you of grandmas jewelry box! Feels like home right?
Fresh from the lumberyard, rot resistant, and insect repellent, will sure to beautify your garden and add structure.  Rough sawn because it will come in its full thickness for longer durability and brighter coloring.
Also, create a design that includes a benchtop seat on all sides of the bed. This reduces the amount of bending you do while keeping your body stable.
This design, quality, and color will elevate your garden experience and serve as an outdoor centerpiece.  Or as one client described, "a masterpiece."
Our home garden business specializes in manicured, raised bed gardens that thrive. 
Select from various bed sizes, garden designs, and...
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