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Home Gardening Inspiration & Education


Fires are Burning - Farm & Garden Health

Reflecting upon your personal journey is so important. In the moment we don't always know if we are making the right decision.

Twenty years ago I walked away from a life of booze and smoke.

Eighteen years ago personal health problems led me to local food and farms.

I learned how badly damaged our modern food and farm systems are. One that has chosen monoculture over biodiversity. One that has adopted chemical fertilizers and pesticides over good soil management.

Government subsidies for "field crops" like soy, corn, and wheat have burdened our bodies, our land, and our economies.

Sixteen years ago I walked away from corporate America to pursue local farm work.

Local systems use sustainable, ethical practices. They value good stewardship and honor natural ecosystems.

Fourteen years ago i opened a farm business to nurture my soul and serve my higher power.

Sometimes we make drastic changes that don't always lead to a clear place. Doors open and you just keep walking.

Nine years ago we...

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10 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Starting Their Gardens in the Spring

Here are the ten common mistakes we want to help you avoid this spring so that you can start your garden off right this year, and you'll see the benefits all season long! 

Number 1: Forgetting to tend to your soil 

You must take care of your garden's base before you can even think about growing plants. That's why getting a soil test, making amendments, and adding fertilizer is so important! If the plants don’t have good soil to grow in you’ll be disappointed and can get frustrated by the lack of growth and progress. Before planting we like to add a plant or animal-based fertilizer like Fertrell brand - or anything organic. It’s a great granular fertilizer that allows the plant to take up the nutrients when it needs them! Whatever fertilizer you choose, it is important that it contains nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. When adding your fertilizer make sure that the soil isn’t too wet. Spring is a rainy time so be patient and wait...

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Become the Gardener You've Always Wanted To Be

Become the gardener you’ve always wanted to be.  You love nature.  You love the idea of gardening.  Why don't we grow together? Join us in our Edible Gardening Academy 12-week mentorship program! #reapwhatyousow
We know new skills take practice and new endeavors take motivation.
Accountability from our garden coaches will help you:
+ learn to trust your growing intuition
+ rely on your new skill set to grow fresh produce for your family
+ feel confident in your abilities to nurture a thriving garden
+ become the local gardening badass you’ve always wanted to be!
Whether you feel concern about food shortages or just don't have a taste for store-bought tomatoes - we can help you.  
Learn more about the content details on the webpage below!  The cart opens today.
Don’t wait for a complete supply chain breakdown to act. Join our community today!  SEE more about our Edible...
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