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A is for Aspargus

A is for Asparagus. That's right. We are going through the alphabet folks!
A member of the Liliaceae family, asparagus is one of the very few vegetable perennials that exists! Fun fact. You can plant one time, and harvest spring spears for 20-30 years. Rare indeed.
Although, it only has a 4-6 week harvest window, asparagus is nice because it grows early in the spring when other vegetables aren't quite ready - making it very marketable, if you are growing for profits.
I like to plant mine along a perimeter because after spring, it "ferns out" to be 6ft tall and bushy!
Growing info: you can grow from seed or from the crown. I prefer the crown because they come from a 1 year old plant and produce faster than from seed. I ordered mine from Johnny's Seeds online and planted 300 ft in 2011!
When crowns arrive follow planting instructions. They like room to spread out, so its recommended to create a trench for the established root system prior to...
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