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Home Gardening Inspiration & Education


What It’s Like To Work As A Garden Consultant

There are thousands of people in the world who are interested in gardening but don’t have the knowledge or skills required to build a garden. If you want to start your own garden, you need to find someone in your own community who is willing to teach and guide you through the steps of proper gardening. This is where a garden consultant comes in.

Garden consulting is a new type of work; it is not something you may come across every day, like a doctor, lawyer, or hairstylist. You may be curious about what it takes to become a garden coach or the services they offer. Here is a short guide to help you understand who a garden consultant really is.

What is a Garden Consultant?

A Garden Consultant is much like a gardening mentor. They provide advice and tips to beginners based on their growing location and garden setup. A garden consultant can also be a garden designer or landscaper, but what sets them apart is their approach to certain problems. When you ask your consultant to help...

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What is the Arc of the Seasons?

The Arc of the Seasons in the secret to gardening success and making the most of your home garden. Vegetable and fruit crops are sensitive to temperature and changes in temperature so as a gardener you must be aware of how the seasons change. Unless you live at the equator or the arctic everyone has an arc to their year it starts at the coolest point and then gradually increases in temperature to the warmest point in the year. We don’t like to use months because depending on where you are December could be one of your coldest or warmest months and the seasons like spring, summer, fall, and winter are too general. Instead, we divide the seasons into cold, cool, warm, and hot. You can see on the diagram below how the seasons recur over and over in a repeating arc, hence the name Arc of the Seasons!


You can also see in the above diagram how we divide the seasons using temperature to distinguish between them. It is vital to know the difference between the cold season, cool...

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3 Reasons Why Fresh is Best

It is a universal truth that fresh fruits and veggies are a staple in a well-rounded healthy diet. Fresh veggies dipped in some hummus or fresh fruit on top of yogurt are my favorite snacks. They give you that pick me up midafternoon and satisfy my need for crunch without having to reach for the chips or my need for sweet without reaching for the leftover easter chocolate (which let’s face it I really should have thrown out by now). That being said, not all “fresh” is equal, the “fresh” I get from the fresh produce aisle at the market is not equal to the fresh produce I harvest from my garden. There are multiple reasons store bought is not equal to locally grown and we discuss some of them in our blog post “Is Eating Local Really Important?” but today we will focus on the “fresh” in Fresh produce, the difference at a nutritional level. 

Fresh is defined as “recently made or obtained; not canned, frozen, or otherwise...

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Is Eating Local Really Important?

The simple answer to this question is absolutely, eating locally produced food is healthier for you, your family, and the environment. When you think of eating locally you probably think growing in your back yard or a farmers’ market and you’re not wrong those are my favorite ways to stay local! Going to a farmers’ market and discussing the variety of squash with the grower themselves and asking how they manage their farm is healthy, informative, and social. That being said, there is more to eating local than just farmers markets and home gardens.  

Before you go any further, I want to define what I mean by eating local food because you may not know but there is no universally accepted definition for “local” produce. Local is defined by the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 as 400 miles away or within your state. That definition isn’t good enough for me, I would like to add that local also means responsibly produced. For a...

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The first rule in raised bed gardens

Louisville friends! Do you want high-end raised bed gardens that can’t be found in stores? Use rough sawn eastern red cedar lumber in your designs!!
The sweet smell of cedar and its soft pinks & purples, reminds you of grandmas jewelry box! Feels like home right?
Fresh from the lumberyard, rot resistant, and insect repellent, will sure to beautify your garden and add structure.  Rough sawn because it will come in its full thickness for longer durability and brighter coloring.
Also, create a design that includes a benchtop seat on all sides of the bed. This reduces the amount of bending you do while keeping your body stable.
This design, quality, and color will elevate your garden experience and serve as an outdoor centerpiece.  Or as one client described, "a masterpiece."
Our home garden business specializes in manicured, raised bed gardens that thrive. 
Select from various bed sizes, garden designs, and...
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Home gardening creates resiliency among supply chain

When shit hits the fan you better call your farmer friends. Unfortunately, it is hitting the fan in a major way. The supply chain sector is getting its ass kicked with major import delays, transport delays, and agricultural delays which translates to grocery store stock reduction and inflated prices.
Who is growing your food?
What can you do as an individual to become more resilient, you say? You guessed it...
Grow your own vegetable garden from spring to winter with my help. Learn how to germinate seeds, create a vegetable garden layout, select a site, and install the right home garden for your family.
Let these times remind us of why the home garden was SO POWERFUL for prior generations. It was a staple. A lifestyle. It was food security.
Knowing how to plant a home garden, tend to it, harvest it, and replant every season is what my company can teach you, do for you, or do with you.
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