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Home Gardening Inspiration & Education


Summerthyme Herb Workshop in Louisville, KY

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How to Plant Strawberries in Kentucky

Strawberry plants are in! It’s time to get your garden soil prepared and plants in place.
Go ahead and work in your winter cover crop (green manure) to be sure it’s broken down properly prior to planting. If you are starting with bare soil, go ahead and cultivate to remove any weeds or emerging weeds from the space. Don’t pre-fertilize the soil for strawberries. If you find that your soil isn’t providing your strawberry plants adequate fertilizer after planting (plants aren't dark green), it’s best to side dress with cottonseed meal 4-6 weeks after planting. 
If you receive bear root plants prior to your planting date keep them refrigerated in plastic. If you receive them and are ready to plant, keep the roots wet by placing them in a water bucket prior to planting.
Once soil is ready to plant (not soaking wet or dusty dry) lay the plants out 1-2 ft apart. Use a trowel or to move the soil part to make adequate space for...
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Summer Survival Kit is Here!

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How to Plant Seed Potatoes NOW!


Tiny tips on taters: Buy seed potatoes from a local nursery May cut into 3-4 pieces but be sure there is an eye on each piece plant eye side up Plant 1 potato piece per square foot Plant 2-3 inches below the soil

Don't have deep soil? Plant in a pot OR on the ground underneath 2" of straw.

How to know when they are ready to harvest?

When the plants flower, the tubers are developed. If you harvest now, the skins will be soft so you must eat them right away.

When the plants "die back" and turn brown, the potato has cured underground and will store better. Harvest!


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