Lessons from the Garden: Growth, Bounty, and Loss
Dec 29, 2022
Now that there is time to reflect on the season in its entirety, how do you feel about it?
What did you gain? Where can you improve? What were your favorite moments?
A little about my year:
I moved from my home workshop into a 1600 sq ft workshop with a little office out front. Talk about gratitude. And space. So much space. I had steady carpenters helping me build over 50 (custom) raised bed boxes for over 15 Louisville residents. Hard-ass-working men on my installation crew that maintained superb work quality and professionalism (despite the harsh elements of outdoor work.) I had a lovely assistant do content creation and media mgmt. And nothing but glowing 5-star google reviews. SO BLESSED.
But let's be real a minute. My work is HARD. Physically and mentally. We math. So much math. We measure. We weigh. We calculate. We go to remote lumber mills and gravel yards. We haul heavy material for miles in our trucks and trailers. We make home visits. We step in dog shit. Traverse terrain bearing hundreds of pounds in 95 degree heat. It's not glamourous work. It's the labor of love.
It all pays off when the garden designs are installed to perfection and the seeds/plants are going into fresh soil. When my clients cannot believe the transformation that has taken place before them. When the joy of the first harvest arrives, and is brought to the table. I know the feeling. And I love it every time. With every garden we build. Every plant that thrives. Every child that experiences real food.
Thank you for supporting my work and giving me a chance to continue my love language = Service.
Please enjoy this piece of humbling perspective to bring you into the new year.
"Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself. "