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3 Reasons Home Gardens Fail

Beginning gardeners and experienced gardeners alike start off loving the idea of home gardens.  They value being engulfed in the sun, soil, seed, and plants. They love bringing the bounty to neighbors and to their own tables. Nurturing abundance in the garden and homegrown nutrition in their bodies.

Soon the weather gets hot, the bugs infest, and garden becomes like a jungle. The gardener becomes avoidant and soon abandons their work, and their desire to grow fresh produce. 

The 3 main reasons home gardens fail are these:

1) Overwhelm - when we feel confused we don't do anything. Questions like: When to amend soil, when to plant, when to water, and when to harvest, etc can cause many a mind to shut down. Our lives are full and other obligations take priority over our gardening desire. Having a local gardener to assist you is a rare treasure. Find one here!


2) Unmanageability - once the jungle sets in we are less likely inspired to tend to our gardens. Mowing between the rows, or around our raised beds feels burdensome. Our plants are crowded and laying on top of one another. Some aren't maturing at all.

3) Poor planning/No layout - we love to jump into our passions sometimes without proper planning. Without an organized layout, we rely on our own whims rather than what ours plants actually need.

So what is a girl to do?

A few special tips from me to you:

A simple seasonal understanding can empower any gardener. Learn your plant families and which seasons they thrive in. Know there are growing windows - rather than hard dates, for gardening success.

Learn whether to plant from seed or from an existing plant. And finally, DON'T OVER PLANT. Start sensibly or you will feel the overwhelm like so many before you! If you are in the Kentucky area, our 2022 Edible Gardens Calendar can guide you.

Garden management begins with a plan as to avoid overcrowding plants, supporting plants at the right size using proper trellising, and suppressing weeds surrounding your beds. 

Timing, spacing, and fertilizing all can be jotted on a layout diagram and penciled into a calendar. Creating a layout is simple. First decide what plants you wish to grow. Then measure the space you intend to garden in. Sketch out pathways as to not trample your plants. General rule of thumb on plant spacing: Plant seeds a few inches apart, small plants a foot apart, and large plants 1-3 feet apart.

I hope this was helpful to you in making a confident beginning. Chances are you will tuck this info away and forget about it before spring arrives. If you feel you may let another season pass you by, we can help. Book a consultation with one of our garden consultants here. We will take your hand and create a thriving, manicured, and manageable garden together. 


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